Baby Alive My Baby All Gone Doll #FMEGifts14

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Baby Alive My Baby All Gone Doll  #FMEGifts14

Keira has been obsessed with babies since she could say the word baby.  After Ava was born I found that Keira was extremely protective of Ava.  The second Ava would start to cry Keira would run to the bedroom door and proclaim that “baby crying!” and insist I help the baby “right now”. 

As both girls have grown over the past 11 months their bond has grown deeper and Keira absolutely loves to “help” with Ava.  She delights at being allowed to help feed Ava, help change Ava’s diaper, help bathe Ava etc.. Of course these attempts at caring for Ava don’t always go well but her intentions are good and I think its wonderful she has such natural caring and nurturing instincts so why not encourage it!


Baby Alive My Baby All Gone Doll  #FMEGifts14

Now Keira has a baby of her own that she can feed and care for in the Baby Alive My Baby All Gone Doll.  A realistic and perfect surrogate for Ava.  The Baby Alive My Baby All Gone Doll  comes with the doll and her outfit as well as two diapers and 2 food packets, her bowl, spoon and bottle.  Diaper and food refills are sold separately.

Baby Alive My Baby All Gone Doll is intended for children 3 years and up.


Baby Alive My Baby All Gone Doll  #FMEGifts14

The “food” can be mixed up in the bottle or the bowl to be fed to baby.  The “food” isn’t meant to be ingested by children but it is non-toxic which is important in the younger age range.

I would recommend using a drop mat the first few times your child feeds the My Baby All Gone Doll as it was quite messy until Keira got the hang of putting the spoon back in far enough into the dolls mouth.  Granted Keira is just shy of the lower range of the recommended age so this is likely because she is younger.  The doll can also be played with using a touch of imagination for moms and children who prefer to play without the diapers and food.

Baby Alive My Baby All Gone Doll  #FMEGifts14

Keira was absolutely thrilled to be feeding her baby and taking care of her right down to having to change the doll’s diaper because guess what?  My Baby All Gone Doll also wets and dirties her diaper like a real baby.  Despite a slight diaper application error by a mom who clearly is far too used to squirmy babies to be able to change a completely still “baby” there was no mess on that end although it was clearly quite close!

The doll also responds with more than 30 phrases, and loves kisses and cuddles too!  She knows the care she’s receiving and will respond to it.  For example, when Keira feeds her,  My Baby All Gonesays things like  “I love veggies!” or “More, please!” She even expresses her love of hugs with “Hugs, please!”

Baby Alive My Baby All Gone Doll  #FMEGifts14

Buy it:

Purchase Baby Alive My Baby All Gone Doll from  Amazon, Toys “R” Us, Walmart, Real Canadian Superstore and Target for only $46.99


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  1. Cute! I’m pretty sure it’s just a matter of time before my girl asks for a doll like this….as of now, she tries feeding and changing her Toopy doll.

  2. Oh my!! Baby alive indeed! I think my niece would love this and would want to be a ‘mommy’ to this little girl!

  3. Such a cutie! My daughter had a Baby Alive doll when she was younger, she adored her and toted this doll everywhere. Yes this doll would make a great gift!

  4. My daughter had a Baby Alive when she was younger. It was her favorite doll. I am glad to see they are still available.

  5. My daughter was a teen at the time, but her little cousin got a Baby Alive a few Christmases ago! My daughter was the one who couldn’t stop playing with it!

  6. Oh wow!! Talk about a throw back for me! I had one 30 years ago! I named her Penny. I have no idea why now LOL She’s gotten much fancier these days!

  7. Wow! When I was 8 years old this was on my Christmas gift list~! She came with cherries and had blonde curly hair..loved her!

  8. Awe that’s really sweet! My son was the same way, protective with his little sister when she was born! Now that my daughter is 2, she loves dolls, and she treats them so good, just like her own, its so adorable!

  9. This is amazing!! I seen and wanted this for my daughter, but she just turned two, and I don’t think the feeding and diaper changing is for 2 yr olds lol Too complicated maybe.. And prob more messy than with a 3 or 4 yr old.

    1. I would wait until 3 or 4 for sure. I didn’t include the picture of food flying at my daughters face. haha. I don’t even want to know what would happen if she were a year younger!

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