50 Things to do While You Nest & Prep for a New Baby

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50 Things to do While You Nest & Prep for a New Baby... because pregnancy will turn you into a woman on a mission whether you like it or not!

When a pregnant mother is waiting for her new baby to arrive, she does something known as nesting.

While no one knows exactly what causes it, all the mother-to-be can do is follow her instincts. Her instincts are to prep for the new baby in any way possible.

This happens whether it is your first pregnancy or if it’s all old hat and you are preparing to help your toddler adjust to a new baby.

The wonderful thing about nesting is that if you do it right, you can get completely organized and ready for baby so you can focus on bonding with your baby once they arrive.

If you have that “nesting” feeling and don’t know where to start, here are 50 things to do while you nest and prep for the new baby… because pregnancy will turn you into a woman on a mission whether you like it or not!

How to Prepare for a New Baby

  1. Clean out from under beds, but be careful!
  2. New sheets and baby blankets washed, folded and ready to use.
  3. Make sure all baby items have been put together!
  4. Declutter the house, get rid of all items that are unnecessary.
  5. Scrub all of the windows in the house.
  6. Clean the baseboards.
  7. Register with your hospital.
  8. Vacuum under all of the furniture.
  9. Wash the new baby’s laundry.
  10. Organize baby’s clothing into sizes and seasons.
  11. Prepare everything the baby will need to have for their first bath at home.
  12. Pack the diaper bag and hospital bag for you and your spouse.
  13. Deep clean the home from top to bottom. Start in one room and work your way around the whole house.
  14. Start making and freezing meals for after the baby gets here.
  15. Write a list of must-have groceries, just in case you go into labour early
  16. Clean out the fridge.
  17. Get rid of all of the junk in the pantry.
  18. Get everything out of the vehicle that doesn’t belong in there.
  19. Get the camera ready and clean off the memory card to make room for new pictures.
  20. Tie up any loose financial ends, make sure any big bills are taken care of.
  21. Read over any information you have been given about what you will do once in labour.
  22. Organize the laundry room and mud room.
  23. Get rid of any shoes that the family is no longer wearing.
  24. Reorganize the command centre (where you pay your bills and write things on the calendar).
  25. Make sure there is gas in the vehicle if you’re nearing time for the baby to come.
  26. Go through old boxes and get rid of anything that’s no longer needed.
  27. Head into the garage and start going through anything and everything in there.
  28. Get rid of broken toys and toys the kids have outgrown.
  29. Go through your baby checklist and make sure you have everything you need.
  30. Install the car seat and get it double checked by a professional.
  31. Go to a bulk store and stock up on items like toilet paper, shampoo, and so on.
  32. Go through the house and clean off and under any area rugs in your home.
  33. Take down the curtains to wash them.
  34. Set up the sleeping area in your room for the first couple of months with baby.
  35. Have a game plan for feeding baby, whether you’re nursing or bottle feeding.
  36. Spray off the driveway to get rid of oil stains.
  37. Clean out the rugs in the vehicle.
  38. Take everything that you’re ready to donate to the drop box.
  39. Make sure you have a backup plan for who will house sit or baby sit while you’re in the hospital having baby.
  40. Tie up loose ends with work and make sure you have your maternity leave figured out.
  41. Sit down and write up a budget for the weeks you’ll be off of work.
  42. Make sure you have either a meal train set up or a meal planned for each slot when you bring the baby home.
  43. Buy gifts for birthdays and or Christmas early, so it’s one less thing you have to work about.
  44. Clean off old documents off of the computer to make room for the new pictures you’ll be taking.
  45. Sell any old items you’re no longer needing to make room for the baby!
  46. Clean up the yard and get rid of excess trash or toys you no longer need.
  47. Make sure you have comfortable clothing for after the baby is born, this is a large task in itself because when you’re pregnant, nothing seems comfortable.
  48. Line up people to help you with your kids while you tend to the new baby.
  49. Take note of what foods you have in your freezer and what you’ll still need.
  50. If all of this still isn’t enough, then feel free to wash the floor by hand or hand vacuum and wash your vehicle. Some of that might even help get labour started and put a stop to nesting!

Women can get a little obsessive while nesting, their bodies are prepping for their new bundle of joy. Hopefully this list helps you be productive while you have that nesting energy running through your veins!

P.S.  I know you are really, really uncomfortable – been there – but try to catch some rest too.

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  1. My sister is Due.Dec 26th on my birthday,she is getting super excited this is her first,i have shared this list to help her prepare

  2. I could see my daughter wanting to do most of these things, but she has two under three and the third one is due later this month. Since she moved all the way cross country, this grandma can’t always be around to help out. But it is a great list!

  3. Great list, unfortunately nesting did not stop for me until about 4 months post Partum with my first. When I was not sleeping or nursing I was cleaning I couldn’t help it and I started nesting at 20 weeks. I started nesting with this baby a few weeks ago and wonder if it will last as long as it did last time.

  4. I love number 49. I did a huge inventory of everything in my freezer, fridge, and pantry. I went to sams club and stocked up on quick easy meals that I will be able to make for my whole family while still balancing my new baby!

  5. I would add some pet care, in case you have pets. Get them groomed or do it yourself. Make sure you have enough food. If you have dogs and a yard, I highly recommend a poop pickup service for a few months if you can afford it. Happy nesting!

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