Playtex® Nurser bottle with Drop-Ins® Liners
I breastfed my youngest Ava until she self-weaned just like I did with my first, Keira. Keira was happy with whatever bottle and nipple and wasn’t too fussy if she got expressed breast milk or “right from the tap”. Ava on the other hand was very fussy about expressed milk and the bottle and nipple used. She was also constantly spitting up, it was a wonder she gained any weight!
One of my friends recommended trying out the Playtex® Nurser with Drop-Ins® Liners with Ava. I’d actually heard of them when Keira was a baby but since she was happy with the bottles that came with the breast pump I didn’t bother to explore other options.
The 4 oz Nurser Bottle is designed so you can feed baby from a semi-upright position which is supposed to help prevent ear infections. It did end up being a really great option for us when we did need to feed Ava from a bottle.
The design actually helps to reduce discomfort and gassy tummies as the liner gently collapses to prevent air from mixing with the milk and getting into baby’s tummy. This of course did help a little with her spitting up too!
The Playtex® Nurser with Drop-Ins® Liners was also designed to help baby feed in a way that mimics breastfeeding and I did find that Ava was a lot less fussy with the nurser bottles. Plus there is a wide variety of Playtex nipples to choose from so you can find one that works well with your own baby.
To be honest though, what I loved most is that the liners are disposable and made for such an easy clean up!
Ava hasn’t had a bottle since she was 8 months old and decided drinking from a cup like her big sister was the way to go but she was quick to grab the 8oz Playtex® Nurser with Drop-Ins® Liners when I filled it up with some homo milk.
She was able to easily drink from the bottle herself and wouldn’t give it up until she emptied it. I guess that means she still likes the Nurser bottles.
Preparing the bottle for her brought back some memories too – like how easy they are to prep. Drop in the liner, fill it up, screw on the nipple and go. Couldn’t be any easier than that!
1) Comment below and share why you are excited to try the Playtex Nurser Bottle with Drop-Ins ® Liners
Our youngest has just sprouted teeth and with craft fair season upon us I would love to find a bottle he will take so I can have someone watch him for a bit!
I’m excited to try the Playtex Nurser Bottle with Drop Ins Liners because my breastfed 6 month old has yet to find a bottle he likes! I love breastfeeding, but would also love to be able to leave baby with his aunt for the night and go on a date night with my husband without worrying about baby being hungry. This could be that bottle!!
I love that they have so many nipples to choose from and the disposable liners are so nice.
I love the sound of the Playtex Nurser
I think this is a great idea, even breast-feeding mums need a break now and again and these would be ideal for that too.
I would like to try the Drop in Nurser because I think it would be a great option for my spitty baby when we start giving him an occasional bottle .
I love that they have so many nipples to choose from,every nipple is not right for every baby
I’m excited to see if this works with my niece!
I’m looking forward to trying this out.
We’re expecting a baby soon and would love to try new Playtex Nurser bottle.
I’m excited for my little guy to drink upright, him not getting an ear infection is high on my list.
I love that they have so many nipples to choose from,every nipple is not right for every baby.
I love to test it and review it…
Would be excited to let my babe to try it out!
Excited to find out how well these will work for my son.
Hi, I would like to try it out with my son as it sounds convenient with the drop in liners.
the coolest looking bottle i ever seen!! cant wait to try! 🙂
What an innovative idea. Can’t wait to try it out and see if my little guy will take to the Playtex Nurser Bottle.
This looks like the most thoughtfully designed bottle for the benefit of a baby. I am excited about just about every aspect of this bottle.
the new bottles look easy to hold and the disposble liners are a life saver at times – i would love to try it.
the new bottles look easy to hold and the disposable liners are a life saver at times – i would love to try it.
We are expecting our first baby in March and we can’t wait to try out something like this! Thank you very much!
I,m so excited to try the nurser bottle, I like that I like the drop in liner
As a first time mom, this was recommended for me to use with my little one, so I’m looking forward to trying it out
This was recommended to me as a first time mom and I am looking forward to using it with my little one.
I would love to be able to test out this bottle!!!! My son gets horrible gas and I am hoping with the drop ins this will help his little tummy!!
Playtex products are wonderful and I would like to try this!
I never gave a bottle to my son, but we will be with my daughter and the Playtex bottles and liners look like they are easy to use and I like how we can feed our daughter upright!
Looking forward to trying the Playtex bottles and lines for our first one! We’d love to give it a try thanks!
Nice! Cool product!!!