How to Encourage Good Behaviour in Toddlers

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 How to Encourage Good Behaviour in Toddlers with Positive Parenting Methods


If you have young children, you know that raising toddlers can definitely be a challenge. You’re responsible for teaching these little people the right way to behave and respond to situations. The character that you teach your children at this stage in life will continue to follow them as they grow older, making it very important that you help them start off on the right foot. In order to do that, use these tips to encourage good behavior in your toddler.


Be a Role Model

If you want to encourage good behaviour in your toddler, then you’ll need to be a role model. Your child looks up to you and learns from you. If you tend to lose your temper quickly, so will your child. If you leave clothes lying around the house, chances are your child will, too. By being a role model for the behaviour you wish to see, you’re teaching your toddler the right way to do things. This will make it easier for your child to make the choice to exhibit the desired behaviours since they have the chance to see it in action.

Use a Reward System

A reward system is a great way to encourage good behaviour in your toddler. To take advantage of these benefits, you’ll need to reward your child each time they exhibit the desired behaviour. This reward system could be something as simple as letting your toddler add a sticker to a chart or letting them pick what you’ll have for dinner that night. By using a reward system, you’re giving your toddler immediate feedback that will encourage good behaviour.

Put Consequences in Place

Ignoring bad behaviour can encourage your child to demonstrate more of this behaviour. Because of this, it’s important that you put consequences in place. When deciding what these consequences are, take into account your child’s age and be sure to make the punishment fit the “crime.” Let your children know what these consequences are, and then stick to it when it comes time to punish your children. Your children will be more likely to use good behaviour to avoid these negative consequences.

Work Off Some Energy

Your toddler has a lot of energy built up in that little body. A lot of times, your child is misbehaving simply because they don’t know what to do with all that energy! In order to encourage good behaviour in your toddler, get creative and find ways for them to work off some energy. The more energy they work off, the easier it will be for them to control some of those destructive urges.


How do you encourage good behaviour in your toddler?


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  1. I agree that parents are the role models for children and it’s definitely not easy to bring them up to be responsible, kind, well behaved, self-sufficient and loving.
    It is definitely important that children do learn that doing the wrong thing has consequences. Punishment must fit the age and the crime as you said and most important is that both parents support this. It’s not easy when the little imp grins at you with that loving smile but you have to carry through or bad behaviour will not be recognised as such.

  2. Great tips!! O I so needed these, the grandbaby is almost 1 !! We know the fun that begins then! We haven’t been able to see her, but hopefully that changes within the next month.

  3. what an excellent post! i actually have bookmarked it! what you said about working off energy is something I need to work on with my toddler. we have been cooped up with the winter months and I could tell at night when we went to put her down for the night she still had lots of energy. I am going to work on doing more with her to burn off some energy. will definitely be easier with the nicer weather on its way!

  4. Thank you for the reminder about working off energy. We’ve been moving, so with the chaos I think she has extra energy to burn off!

  5. These are definitely great tips! I think being a role model is key. I think also be consistent with consequences and also with praise! I find that my kids learn well from posititve feedback.

  6. I commend your tips for encouraging good behaviour in toddlers. I would only use rewards for things like toilet training until they get the ‘message.’ Your approval, smiles and hugs are the approval they really want, in my opinion.
    Your points are sensible and workable.

  7. i think being a role model for your child is very important. I have read that 90% of parenting is ‘caught’ not ‘taught’. This is to make parenting easier for parents, However, we do not want our little ones to ‘catch’ our bad habits. I always thought that our children would be good people because their father and I gave them a good example It is very important that you be ‘there’ for them–that they feel that you will listen to them and their problems and treat them as you would like to be treated in this situation.

  8. it’s definitely not easy being a parent. whether you came in prepared or not. I find it easier to deal with younger children compared to the older ones or even adults as they are very teachable and open to learning, that’s why being a role model is very important.

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