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Got Stains? Check out the Resolve® Tip Exchange! #ResolveTip


Since becoming a mother I have been introduced to the often frustrating world of stains in ways I hadn’t previously thought possible.  I’m talking everything from newborn poonamis to food stains from top to bottom and everything in between.   You know what I am talking about! 

Then there are just the bad mom moments like the time I accidentally threw a soaking wet towel in amongst the rest of her laundry without letting it dry out first.  Two days later when I went to do the laundry you can only imagine the mould covering most of the clothes in the basket.  My only excuse is lack of sleep but let me tell you after that disaster I never made that mistake again!

Thankfully after giving the clothes a good soak in Resolve prior to washing and then drying out in the sun I was able to remove the stains from most of the items.  What a relief that was!

Let me tell you though, If I never see a giant watermelon stain down a freshly laundered white shirt again it won’t be long enough!  Unfortunately, since Keira is just a toddler I know I have many many more food stains to go and I am sure there are other nastier stains to contend with as she gets more and more independent!

Resolve Tip Exchange

For those of you out there like me, warriors in the war against stains, Resolve has created a new site called Resolve® Tip Exchange.  The Resolve® Tip Exchange is the place to go to solve your toughest laundry stain problems. Got a stain that needs solving? Leave a question. Got a stain solution?  Share a tip and enter for your chance to WIN one of 12 weekly prizes of $250 and the grand prize of $5000!

Watch the video to learn more!

 What is the worst stain you have ever encountered?

Disclosure: I am part of the Resolve® Tip Exchange Blogger Campaign with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.”

kristy e

Saturday 28th of December 2013

I use resolve all the time , with two kids I have a lot of stains to combat lol Thanks for the tips too!

Teresa Claire

Monday 28th of October 2013

I found a beautiful white blanket at a flea market and I want to brighten it up a looks a little dull. I washed it once but no results so I will try this! Thank you for the tips.

Enza Campanella

Tuesday 27th of August 2013

Thanks for the tip. Can never have too many tips when it comes to stain removal!

Kerrie @ Family Food and Travel

Monday 26th of August 2013

That mold story is something we've all done as sleep deprived parents. It is crazy the things we never thought we'd do. Love the idea of a tip exchange - heading over to check it out.

Heidi C.

Saturday 24th of August 2013

Thanks for the heads-up! I can always use others tips on removing stains!