
DIY Halloween Costumes for Infants

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Halloween costumes for Babies can get expensive if you are buying store-made , especially since they don’t actually get something out of it.  Here are some great ideas for “Do-it-Yourself” Halloween Costumes for Infants for everyone – from the craft inept to the expert seamstress that won’t break your bank!

Remember to make sure your baby isn’t too hot or cold and dress them appropriately for the temperature.


Taylor over at itstaylormade.com has put together a “How To” for this adorable Octopus costume she made for her son.

Baby Einstein
Use a permanent marker and write “E=mc^2” on a white onesie. Apply mousse to hair. Ta-da! Baby Einstein. 
(Content originally appeared on Parent Hacks (http://www.parenthacks.com), and is made available through a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/).)
 Baby Chef
Use a permanent marker and out a chefs coat on a white onesie.  Add Black Leggings and depending on age of baby some baby safe utensils such as a wooden spoon as props.
Fried Egg
Cut out a circle from Yellow felt and sew or safety pin on to white onesie.
Pink Onesie and a little pink Tulle if you have some plus a pair of pink leggings  You could even go all out and make yourself a Tutu.


Black Onesie with Yellow duct tape taped around it to make stripes with Black Leggings.  Use pipe Cleaner attached to a headband for antennae. 

Black or Green Sleeper with an orange onesie on top.  Draw Face with a permanent Marker on the onesie.  Green hat.

Other Ideas:


Plaid shirt and jean overalls.  A stuffed farm animal or plastic sand rake to carry would complete this look

Red and White striped onesie, blue pants with a red hat.

Pea Pod

Green sleeper and green hat.  Styrofoam ball cut in half and each half covered in green felt then pinned to sleeper.


Blue Onesie, white pants and white toque.

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  1. How about the enclosed sleepers, you know, like a sleeping bag with arms. Then put the Wonder Bread logo (or any bread logo) on it and ya got a loaf of bread!

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