Free Family Camping Checklist & Activity Sheet Printables
Take this free family camping checklist and activity sheet printable along on your next family camping trip to keep the kids busy!
Download and print this camping printable set to use on your next camping trip.
Grab some pencil crayons and set your kids down with these free camping printables for some quiet fun time. I love to bring these out while we are setting up the campsite to keep the kids busy and out of the way.
Family fun doesn’t have to wait for the great outdoors either. You can have camping themed fun at home too with these activity sheets.
You can download the complete camping activity sheet package of PDF files using the link at the bottom of this post.
A camping checklist is a must have for whenever we go camping! I typically make my own list based on our own personal needs but this is a pretty comprehensive checklist for your own use.
You could also have the kids help pack and check things off on their own.
A scavenger hunt is a pretty classic outdoor activity.
If you like this one, you may also like my Nature Scavenger Hunt Printable, which can be another fun one to bring along camping.
Set aside this fun activity sheet for family fun if you get rained in.
Charades is a game that is sure to keep the whole family engaged. It’s always a hit, with all ages.
Simply cut the ideas into strips and place them in a bowl for everyone to choose from on their turn. You can add your own ideas too, but I think these are quite silly and fun.
This printable sheet is a fun letter from camp that you can have your children fill out to memorialize their trip, and share about all their adventures.
This animal track printable is pretty straight forward but you can also use it as a sort of scavenger hunt to get the kids looking out for any animal tracks they can find and identify.
My kids love a good unscramble activity sheet, this one and the maze below is really great to keep them busy while you setup camp.
Download the Free Family Camping Checklist & Activity Sheet Printables
Elizabeth Lampman is a coffee-fuelled Mom of 2 girls and lives in Hamilton, Ontario. She enjoys travelling, developing easy recipes, crafting, taking on diy projects, travelling and saving money!