This “You Are My Sunshine” Button Nursery Art with Free Printable Template is an easy diy project for a nursery!
Yellow Buttons
Printable, printed and cut to 8×10
8×10 frame
On a flat surface begin to glue buttons onto your printable. I try to divide the cute, and fun buttons into a separate pile and use the boring buttons for the bottom layer. Cover the sun area with one layer of buttons.
Don’t worry too much about the gaps. Once that first layer is covered, add a second, covering those gaps. Add a third layer and use your fun and unique buttons here.
Place in front of the glass on your photo frame and enjoy.
Elizabeth Lampman is a coffee-fuelled Mom of 2 girls and lives in Hamilton, Ontario. She enjoys travelling, developing easy recipes, crafting, taking on diy projects, travelling and saving money!
Wednesday 7th of November 2018
Hey Kari, Awww that's so cute! Definitely gonna make that adorable frame. Thanks for telling step by step and looks super easy to make. keep it up! Love
Wednesday 30th of August 2017
The wording appears to be 'raised' as opposed to a 'flat' format which you'd expect in a printable. I definitely like the idea but when I get round to trying out this project I'll more than likely incorporate some stick on letters to make up the wording used in the project. I can see ( feel ) my little brain working overtime on further ideas for similar projects as we speak !! Thanks so much for the 'how-to'. So many button art projects, although outstanding, give little insight into how to 'properly' achieve the same or similar result. Cheers. Much appreciated 😊
Debbie S.
Tuesday 21st of March 2017
This is adorable and would brighten up a room!
Sunday 2nd of October 2016
SO sweet! And I love the song!
Carole Dube
Tuesday 2nd of August 2016
I love that! It looks so pretty and the step by step instructions looks pretty easy to follow! A winter project!