
How Your Kids Can Help Energy-Proof Your Home

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How Your Kids Can Help Energy-Proof Your Home

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There are plenty of good reasons why your family should be more energy efficient at home. Not only can using less electricity help the environment, it also helps cut down the costs of your utility bills, so you have more money for the important things, like a family vacation.

You don’t have to cut back to achieve cost savings either.  Energy-proofing your home is as easy as making a few small changes and teaching your kids energy-efficient values that will last a lifetime.

Kids of all ages should be included in your family’s effort to save energy – it’s never too early to start! Here are four ways your whole family can get involved.


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1. Childproof Plugins

Believe it or not, energy-proofing can be as simple as installing childproof plug-ins for electrical outlets – doing so can save energy by reducing drafts entering your home via external-facing walls.

I was shocked to learn just how much air can leak through electric boxes on external walls – if you think about it, it makes sense. If there’s a gap in your wall the drafts from wintry weather will creep through. I guess that’s why our house sometimes feels drafty without an obvious source!

Installing childproof plugins is a cheap and easy fix that will end up more than paying for itself. And as a parent, you likely already have a box of them at hand.

2. Smart Thermostats

Consider installing a smart thermostat, which can be programmed to accommodate your family’s habits and busy schedule. For example, I program mine to turn the heat down while my children are at school in the winter and instead open the curtains to take advantage of the warmth offered by natural sunlight. If we’re running earlier or later than expected, all I have to do is open the app on my smartphone and remotely adjust the temperature before we get home.

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3. Phantom Power

Even when turned off, many appliances such as phone chargers, printers, and coffee machines still draw power. Unplugging devices when you’re not using them is a simple habit to form, and it can help to reduce your energy consumption, too – especially if you are used to leaving them plugged in at all times. Our girls take this job so seriously, they run around the house making sure all the electronics are unplugged before they head to school in the morning. It makes a big difference in our energy consumption and helps them feel like they are really contributing to the household.


4. Lights Out

One of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce your electricity consumption is to make sure that lights are switched off whenever a room is unoccupied. This is something ingrained in most adults, but for kids, it’s just something their parents nag them about.  We found that sitting down with our girls to explain why it’s so important and offering consistent reminders to switch off lights has really helped them pick up this habit. It’s helped us remember too – the girls are now quick to let us know when we forget to turn off a light or close the refrigerator door. You may choose have motion sensors installed throughout your home to help with this too.


These are just a few of the many ways we can all work to conserve energy while at home, regardless of age.

If you’re interested in building a healthy home, saving money on your monthly bills, and supporting your community both now and into the future, visit saveonenergy.ca to learn about the actions you can take.

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  1. These are good tips! I guess even without kids at home, these are very helpful for all frugal babes 🙂

  2. I’ve taught my kids how and what to unplug what they aren’t using, and they are getting better at it! What we need to work on is turning off unused lights. Thanks for the tips!

  3. This is something not only kids should learn, but even adults like me ahahha. I forget the lights on sooo often.

  4. I love the idea of a smart thermostat. It’s a great way to save. Also just getting into the habit of unplugging and turning things off is good too.

  5. It’s a constant battle to get my children to turn off lights during the day. The problem is our house gets no natural light so they love keeping them on all the time. These were great tips–I always find myself unplugging everything throughout the day.

  6. These are some really good tips! i have to say i dont unplug things around the house, but i think its a good idea to give this task to the kids so they can get involved too ! Thanks for the tips !

  7. This post hit close to home. Saving energy and getting the kids involved is what we are trying to do. I will admit it has not been easy but it is a work in progress and I am sure it will all come together. I just love it when they do actually follow through and it reflects on the light bill!!!

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