Give a gift with heart this Valentine’s Day at Build-A-Bear Workshop

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It’s been awhile now since I last thought of Valentine’s Day as a romantic celebration.  These days it’s more about celebrating those all around me that I love – especially my daughters.  Of course I don’t want to be filling Keira up with sweets and I’d rather give her something she will love herself for years to come. 

One of Keira’s favourite things in the whole world are her Bears – or as is known in Keira talk “Bay-ah”.  Of course I was happy to receive a pair of bears from Build-A-Bear Workshop for the two girls just in time for Valentine’s Day.  My only problem now is going to be getting Keira to chose which bear Ava can have, that is if I can ever get her to give one up!

Valentine's Day at Build-A-Bear Workshop

Build-A-Bear Workshop has a wide variety of adorable plush animals – there are more than 30 stuffed animals to choose from such as bears, bunnies, dogs, cats, monkeys and more.   Thanks to the assortment of cute fashions, accessories, sounds and embroidery options your new furry friend can be completely personalized to create the perfect gift for your special Valentine. 

Build-A-Bear Workshop

The two we received were Big Hearts Bear and Big Top Bearemy.  Big Hearts Bear is just fabulous looking in her red dress and sparkly shoes, she is definitely ready for date night!  My favourite of the pair though is Big Top Bearamy.  He is just adorable looking in his jeans and high-top canvas shoes.

So far Keira seems to love them both pretty equally and loves running around with both of them in her arms.  She even places them carefully together on the couch before she heads to bed. 

Read on for more adorable and furry Valentine’s Day ideas from Build-A-Bear Workshop!

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Fall in Love with Big Hearts Bear ($23) and Big Top Bearemy® ($23). Big Hearts Bear is ready for a date in her favourite Red Ruffle Dress ($15), Red Sparkle Bow Flats ($8.50), Sequin Heart Purse ($5.50) and Red Sequin Bows ($3, 2 pc.). Dress Big Top Bearemy in a Tuxedo T-shirt ($8), Classic Jeans ($6), and Black Canvas High-Tops ($9.50). Together, this darling duo makes the perfect gift. Plus you can add a Rose Bouquet ($4.50) to any furry friend!

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Tons of Love Elephant ($25) is ready for Valentine’s Day in her Sequin Heart Dot Tee & Tutu Outfit ($15, 2 pc.), Red Sparkle Bow Flats ($8.50), Sequin Heart Purse ($5.50) and Red Sequin Heart Antenna ($3.50). Huge Hearted Lion ($25) is breaking hearts in his Heartthrob Hoodie ($6), Classic Jeans ($9.50), Black Canvas High-Tops ($5), Be Mine Pillow ($3.50) and Red Sequin Heart Antenna ($3.50). Add the realistic feel of a heartbeat to any furry friend for only $6.50.


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Happy Hugs Teddy ($19) shows her love with a Love T-shirt ($6), Studded Denim Skirt ($7.50), Red Sparkle Bow Flats ($8.50), Red Sequin Bows ($3, 2 pc.) and Sequin Heart Purse ($3). Pawlette Coufur™ ($19) looks festive in a Tulle Heart Fairy Dress ($17), Red Sparkle Bow Flats ($8.50) and Red Sequin Heart Antenna ($3.50). Arriving January 17, is huggable Pink Hearts Hello Kitty® ($27) in her Pink Hearts Dress ($12.50), White Sequin Flats ($9.50), and Hello Kitty Sequin Purse ($6.50). Add a message YOU record to make it a one in a million gift for only $10.50 or add an “I Love You” sound for $4!

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Give your princess an enchanting gift of a Disney Princess Bear ($27). Shown here dressed in a Rapunzel costume ($20). Furever Hearts Bear ($25) is princess chic in her Sleeping Beauty costume ($20) and Pawlette Coufur ($19) looks royal dressed as Cinderella ($20). Add a glow-in-the-dark blonde wig ($9) or Princess Wand ($5) for that perfect princess look.

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Build-A-Bear smallfrys® are limited edition, small-sized, pre-stuffed pals to show someone just how much you care. Choose from Be Mine Bear, Hugs-A-Plenty Puppy, or XOXO Kitty ($11 each) and dress them in the Bear  Hugs Skirt Outfit, Puppy Love Outfit or You’re Purrfect Skirt Outfit ($7 each, 2 pc.) to make a heartfelt gift for your Valentine, no matter how big or small.


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  1. my goodness she’s just adorable…that smile and those dancing eyes are gonna break hearts!!

    I wish Build A Bear was near me… such awesome quality stuffies, I am hoping to make it to the city before my daughter has her baby so my 7 year old can make her niece a stuffy lol.. an Aunt, at

      1. Kira’s feeling kinda left out.. we bought a few things for Saedy .. so have my much older then her children..and she wanted to get her something. Soon as I seen your post I showed K and now we’re gonna ‘Build A Bear”.. great quality and it will have some sentimental meaning since her Auntie made it .. I just love your blog you give me such great ideas!!

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