Free Printable Chore Chart & Reward Tickets
These Paris themed Free Printable Chore Chart & Reward Tickets are so cute don’t you think? They are a great way to encourage your children to track and complete chores.
My girls are still pretty young but they both have their own chores they are expected to do. Both girls make their own beds in the morning, clear the table after meals, tidy up their toys when they are done playing, clean the windows and dust furniture. Sometimes they are eager to please and don’t need any coaxing to get them to do their chores. Other days it is a struggle to even get them to clear the table. Enter our chore chart.
I use a slightly different system than this with my girls, and if you do have younger children my current system might work better for you too. Instead of a chore chart and reward tickets, I instead have a chart for both girls and reward stickers. When they are “caught” doing their chores without being asked, or being kind to one another or generally just being good listeners we award them with a sticker. Honestly they get so excited about picking out a sticker and putting them on their respective charts that it is almost a reward for them in and of itself. When they collect 10 stickers I allow them to pick something from our reward bag which is filled with dollar store activities and toys.
I am not personally a fan of the whole allowance thing, because nobody gets paid to do chores in real life. However I think the reward system does a much better job at positive reinforcement of household expectations.
This Free Chore Chart & Reward Tickets Printables is perfect for older childen, they can check which chores they need to do and keep track of what needs doing. You can decide for yourself what earns them a reward ticket – whether it is a full line of chores completed or a whole sheet. Then simply fill out the tickets with rewards and store them in a reward jar for them to pick from once they have earned it. You might want to include rewards like being able to choose dinner one night or staying up 30 minutes past their bedtime, more screen time etc… You know your kid and what will motivate them best and these are completely customisable.
These Free Chore Chart & Reward Tickets Printables are ©
This printable may be printed for personal or school use; however, they may NOT be offered or distributed elsewhere in any format (may NOT be distributed on any other web page; may NOT be distributed in any digital format whatsoever; may NOT be distributed to others in print format or in any other format), whether commercially (for a fee) or for free, NOR may parts of these printable sheets be modified or used in other graphics in any format without express permission from Neither these sheets nor portions of these sheetsmay be printed for commercial purposes or printed for any other purpose. You may NOT link directly to these downloads; however, you are welcome to create a link to this page’s URL. Thank you!
Elizabeth Lampman is a coffee-fuelled Mom of 2 girls and lives in Hamilton, Ontario. She enjoys travelling, developing easy recipes, crafting, taking on diy projects, travelling and saving money!
Thanks for sharing this printable chore chart,i don’t think you should be paid for chores either.
Fun chart idea, thanks for the printable.
The sticker system is exactly what my daughter used to use for her children, the excitement when they get to choose a sticker is incredible.
I like the reward system much better than financial incentives. Thanks for the download link.
WOW! This Paris Template is gorgeous and my daughter loves it! Thank you so much for allowing me to print this.