True North Strong & Free Button Art with Free Printable Template
True North Strong & Free Button Art with Free Printable Template
1 package (130 count) Favourite Findings Buttons in red. (Order them from, Also found at Walmart)
Hot glue
8×10 frame of your choice
Printable – printed and cut to 8×10
On a flat surface, hot glue red buttons onto the maple leaf. Begin with the outline and extend the button about 1/2 of the way beyond the leaf outline. If you feel more comfortable, place all buttons and then glue them rather than gluing as you go.
Once the outline is complete, you’ll want to fill the centre of the leaf with red buttons. I find that there are a lot of the same buttons in the package so I put those in the centre because they will be covered up with the second layer. Don’t worry about all of the buttons filling the space. There can be gaps as long as you have a button to cover it!
Begin on the second layer and fill the gaps and add buttons. You can add a third layer of buttons or simply place a few here and there to add dimension to your project.
To assemble:
Open your frame and remove glass. Place your Maple leave in the frame, place the glass behind it and put the frame back together. Display as desired!

wonderful project!!!!
That’s a cute project idea!
Love doing arts/crafts with buttons….if done well they look so great, like yours 🙂
This looks really neat and is such a fun craft!
Only a couple weeks until Canada Day & this would be the best craft I’ve ever seen to make with the kids to celebrate our country. Love it!!
This looks great! Mmakes me want to scrounge up some red buttons!
so cool I love it!!
This is a great idea! I love it!
This artwork is really nice – It’s something simple but I would never have thought of it
This is so cute! I love it!