I’m Not Always a Perfect Parent but I Get This One Thing Right
Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to go wrong?
If you’re a parent, the answer is likely a resounding yes.
We often end up juggling a few too many hats, and trying to keep everything running smoothly. Sometimes things just fall apart. You wake up late, the kids are late for school, you forget an appointment, and then you lose it over your child asking for a snack 5 minutes after dinner. We’ve all been there.
I try my best to be a good mom, but I’ve definitely had my share of #parentingfails. Like the time I left 3 year old Keira colouring while I changed Ava’s diaper and came back to find she had coloured herself.
It’s a given that as humans we are bound to make mistakes, and not all parenting moments are going to highlight just how amazing we are at raising little humans.
Something that does highlight how amazing I am at parenting though? Making the decision to vaccinate my children to protect their health, and the health of all children.
Sometimes life gets real, like the time when Keira, who had just turned 4 years old, woke me up at 6:00 am to show me her art work. On the wall. In acrylic craft paint I had forgotten to put away.
Epic #parentingfail, #butIvaccinate so at least she is protected from infections like diphtheria, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella. Vaccinations, which in turn help protect her.
Sometimes there are #parentingfails where you just have to choke back the laughter because they’ve done something so funny, yet so horrible. Like the time Ava, who was then 2, figured out how to open the fridge in the wee hours of the morning. We came downstairs to find a lake of milk, 18 eggs cracked open and some ketchup thrown in for good measure.
There will be days when Ava spends the day with her shoes on the wrong feet, and I forget to pack the grapes Keira begged to have in her lunchbox, and I start to feel like I’m barely coping. On those days I need only remember that I am an amazing mother who takes care of all the things that really do matter; because I vaccinate.
My girls are happy, healthy and loved.
I might not have it together all the time, but I’m taking care of the important things, and I believe that vaccinating is one of those things.
Not every moment as a parent feels like a great one, share your own #parentingfail photo or story using #butIvaccinate.
Disclosure: This post was developed in association with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, as part of the #butIvaccinate campaign, however all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own. More information about vaccinations can be found at ontario.ca/vaccines.
Elizabeth Lampman is a coffee-fuelled Mom of 2 girls and lives in Hamilton, Ontario. She enjoys travelling, developing easy recipes, crafting, taking on diy projects, travelling and saving money!
I vaccinate also,i think it’s important
Vaccinating is so important, great post!
I had my 7 all vaccinated and wouldn’t even contemplate not doing so. Vaccinations protect not only our own kids but others too.
I vaccinate too! There is too many things to worry about in this world I don’t want to add preventable diseases on that! I think it is very important!
Like you said “My girls are happy, healthy and loved” and that is all that really matters. Plus, they are only going to remember the fun things and not the mistakes.
It is so hard sometimes to know when we are doing the right things for our kids! We can do what we feel in our heart is right and hope for the best!
Vaccinations are SO important. They also help protect those that cannot be vaccinated–like anyone with immune disorders. If we’re all vaccinated then they are protected.
Your daughter is so adorable! So important as parents to make sure our kids are safe and healthy no matter what choices we make.
My kids have their own health concerns that keep my on my toes. Don’t need to add anything to worry about. I’m happy I vaccinated them all.
My kids are vaccinated. I don’t want to have to worry about anything else!
It is so important to vaccinate our children. There have been illnesses coming back we have not seen in many years. I would hate for my child to get so sick because of a decision I made.
I’m glad that my kids were vaccinated, it’s really important but not at all.
I’m glad that my kids were vaccinated, it’s really important but not at all are good to child.
Vaccination is so important. In fact, it has saved more lives worldwide than any other medical advancement! My girls are up-to-date on all vaccines, and I’m vaccinating my youngest for travel so that we can visit family overseas (oldest had her vaccines already).
It is so important to vaccinate our children.Your daughter is so adorable