Make your March Break Great with DK! #DKMarchBreak

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make-march-break-great-button-2_185x185 March break can be a real trial with all the complaints of “Mom, I’m bored!”  At least that is what I recall went on when I was a child.  This year let DK make March Break  fun for your kids and less frustrating for you.  DK has a huge selection of crafting, cooking and activity books for all ages to help inspire you and your children to get creative and have fun.  No more “Mom, I’m bored!”

 The books in the March Break Boutique are all specially priced for a limited time only!

Keira and I decided to check out Stitch by Stitch and the Toddler Cookbook.


Stitch by StitchStitch by Stitch by Jane Bull

A handy illustrated guide to techniques for all aspiring needle crafters by craft guru Jane Bull style, this all-new collection of projects and provides a great introduction to the traditional needlecrafts and useful sewing skills of yesteryear. From threading a needle through to measuring fabric and sewing a seam., this book covers all the basics as well as embroidery, needlepoint, knitting, crochet, appliqué, patchwork, and dressmaking.. The essential stitches are clearly illustrated and all of the techniques are clearly and properly explained.

  • Includes 50 projects & Features over 500 full colour photographs

 This book is really great for Children or adults who don’t think they are so crafty.  It is full of great big pictures and easy to follow instructions.  There are many wonderful craft ideas in this book, but I love that you can build upon the ideas and techniques to come up with your own creations.  There is a gorgeous patchwork ball for babies that I can’t wait to try my hand at.  The end result is a pretty soft ball but the technique is so easy a child could do it.

It covers different techniques and projects such as embroidery, patchwork, knitting, crochet and more.  I would definitely recommend this title for any child interested in needle-craft but also to anyone else who would like to get started.  This is the perfect introduction.


Toddler CookbookToddler Cookbook by Annabel Karmel

From acclaimed author Annabel Karmel, The Toddler Cookbook is the perfect kitchen primer for little chefs. Easy recipes for a wide variety of dishes, from lettuce wraps to crunchy chicken dippers, allow lots of opportunities for toddlers to lend Mom or Dad a hand as they whip up lots of new flavors—and lots of fun.

I was interested in this title as my sister and I had one similar when we were kids that we loved to cook from.  I believe that was the start of a lifelong love for cooking and baking.  A skill that I see many neglect.  It always shocks me to see that some of my friends really do not know how to follow a recipe! 

As with anything else, I think it is a great idea to get them started young when it comes to important life long skills like cooking. 

I think the title is misleading, I was hoping for something a toddler could do with only a little help vs. mommy doing everything.  I would say the level of skill involved is more like age 4 and up, so preschooler rather than toddler.  Even the kids in the book are obviously not toddlers so I think that is just a bit of a marketing gimmick as far as the title goes. 

The contains 18 fun recipes with great big pictures and simple instructions.  There are a few no-brainer recipes such as fruit pops and lemonade but there are plenty more recipes which I think are great to get them started with such as fish cakes, chicken satay and Caesar salad (no eggs).  It is mostly all food that could easily be served to grownups which is nice.  (Mini Lemon Cheesecakes?  Yes, please!)

There is also a lovely picture glossary of the equipment children will need to cook the recipes which is quite handy, especially for non-readers.  I do appreciate that measurements and temperatures are given in both Metric and US standard measurements.  It is a nice way to get children acquainted with both.


How are you keeping your children entertained this March Beak?


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  1. My K is a huge reader. She’s in Grade 2 and reads at a Grade 5 level. Since she’s reading so well she’s into chapter books. I find DK the best place for the best selection for books for her.. thanks for the heads up on the sale!

  2. DK never disappoints. We love the selection, and we always get something different. The Toddler cookbook looks like one to get next time….

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