DIY Bird Feeder Buffet
I love spring. I love watching the Cardinals, Blue Jays, and other birds that flit in and out of our yard – so I wanted to make sure they stuck around. I thought we would put out a little buffet to keep them coming back and also have a pretty display in our yard. If you enjoy letting your kids in on the fun whenever possible this is the perfect project for them.
Not only does it give them something to do to help develop fine motor skills but it also can give a very real sense of pride to be able to provide for small creatures.
Do you remember the pinecone, peanut butter, and birdseed feeders from your childhood? Maybe Scouts or elementary school? They sure were fun! This bird feeder takes it a few steps further. The end result of this project is a pretty and functional bird feeder buffet that will likely last through a couple of seasons as it is very simple to refill.
Now your feathered friends will have a variety of food to choose from and a perfect perch to rest on while they snack.
This was also a super inexpensive project for us, I was able to get the main pieces of our bird feeder at Dollar Tree, and the rest we already had on hand at home.
Supplies Needed:
Mini wreath- Dollar Tree
Twine- Dollar Tree
Creamy peanut butter
Cake pan
Lay wreath inside of a round cake pan, spread peanut butter all over the top.
Sprinkle birdseed over wreath and peanut butter using the cake pan to catch spillage, scoop up what has spilled into the pan and sprinkle it again, coating peanut butter well.
Cut 3 lengths of twine 18-20” long, tie a knot in one end of each one , wrap a small piece of tape around the other to make it easier to thread.
Thread cheerios on each piece of twine about 6” up.
Tie twine pieces to wreath at equal distance.
Take your feeder outside and loop all 3 ends of your twine over a sturdy branch, and knot them together.
When the birds have devoured all the goodies it is simple to take it down, recover it in peanut butter, layer on more bird seed, and restring some cheerios. Try different types of seed to attract various birds- mixed seed, or black sunflower seeds.
DIY Bird Feeder Buffet Project created for Frugal Mom Eh by Jody Smith.
Elizabeth Lampman is a coffee-fuelled Mom of 2 girls and lives in Hamilton, Ontario. She enjoys travelling, developing easy recipes, crafting, taking on diy projects, travelling and saving money!
wow girl, you blow my mind! You are just so freakin’ creative .. I love it! Thank you <3
Awesome! Took me back to when we did this with my boy years ago. But we used pine cones. Love the cheerios touch too!
Oh I do like this and no doubt the birds will flock to the festive table 😉
That is such a good idea! If I didn’t have cats, I’d definitely try it.
My son would love to do this. It’s so easy.
That looks amazing and like a really fun DIY craft! Can’t wait to try this!
this is soo amazing…..Birds are going to love it
too awesome! Love this and I am sure the birds will too!
I absolutely love this, what a fun and useful project. l love to feed the birds but run out of money to keep buying the seeds for them. Doesn’t take long for them to eat a big bag of food in 3 little bird feeders we have hung on a tree out in our lower back yard. While I still have some money I’ll be buying the seed for them. Have to buy wreath to use, we just got a big jar of peanut butter and will buy a box of cheerios at $tree. What a genius project to feed the birds. So glad I found your post. Maybe Saturday we’ll go to $tree to get the cheerios, bird seed and wreath. Happy days
Great idea for our little backyard friends. Hope you are having a great weekend and thanks so much for sharing your awesome post with Full Plate Thursday.
Come Back Soon!
Miz Helen
How fun! My kids would love to make this, and I would love for them to be occupied for longer than five minutes, lol. Win win for the home and another win for the birds, and the squirrels.
I bet the birds would love this!
I tried to get to this post when I was browsing throught the “craft and diy” section, but the wrong link was posted (it was .htmll instead of .html). FYI 🙂
amazing diy projects to do with the grandkidss
I really like the buffet feeder. I have made the pinecone, peanut butter and bird seed feeder for a couple of years now. I enjoy sitting at our kitchen table in the winter watching the birds eat. The buffet feeder would be a big hit with the birds I think. Thanks for sharing.
I love this idea. My nieces and nephews come up from the US to visit and usually stay a few days at my parents house. This would be a great craft to do in the backyard, one to bring home and one for the grandparents!
We have woods in the back and I have these hung all over the trees,in the morning the singing of the birds is beautiful
Great project for the family to do
The birds seem to love my backyard now with all the feed and Ive noticed this last week that we have a few Doves visiting eating the seed that has dropped to the ground
Wow! This looks like such a rewarding and fun project! Thanks!
I really like this idea, fun simple and will make the birds very happy!
This looks like a lot of fun for the kids! And Im sure the birds would love it to! thanks!
I love to have my coffee on the patio in the morning since we make some feeders we wake to birds singing every morning
Great idea! I am going to make a couple of these to hang around our RV site this spring when we move back there. We have lots of birds that come to visit!
My kids love making bird feeders in the winter, usually we just use pine cones but we will be doing this way next!
This looks like a lot of fun for the kids!
I love this cute craft and think it’s wonderful.We always try to feed the birds and I don’t cut down my flowers in the fall because they like to eat the seeds.I am going to try one of these.Thanks for the awesome craft idea.
This looks like such a cute DIY bird feeder – thank you for the craft instructions!
This has to be 1 of the cutest bier feeders I have ever seen. I will need to try this out. Thank you for the awesome ides
What a great idea! I have a traditional bird feeder in my front yard and my boys and I just love watching the birds feed. I would love to make this with my boys. 🙂
Nice idea for a feeder. Want to make this soon!
This was such a rewarding project for us that we do it weekly now and always have a yard of birds
This is so great for the birds and a great project for kids to do