Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress

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 Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress

Stress is a part of every day life, but during the holidays that stress goes up exponentially for most people. Don’t be a victim of holiday stress this year. Instead, use some of these techniques to relieve as much stress as possible. 

Write it out
Write down the stress you are feeling and try to pinpoint where it is coming from. Most likely it has a source. Maybe money, family, or traffic is causing you additional stress this season. Whatever it is, identifying the source will help you combat it and it can even help you avoid it in the future.

Plan ahead
What type of holiday do you want? Whatever your ideal holiday looks like, planning it in advance will help you keep your desires in focus. This includes the budget you need to make that holiday happen. Don’t let money ruin all your fun! And don’t be afraid to say “no” to too many invitations. Remember, doing too much with and for other people can take away from the holiday you want to experience.

Get in a routine
Setting up a good, healthy routine that focuses on plenty of sleep, a proper diet, and some exercise will help you deal with stress when it really comes knocking. Set up the routine far enough in advance that you will be used to it and in a groove when the holidays start getting hectic.

Stick to your budget
Year after year people list money as one of the major stressors in their lives during the holidays. This year, stick to your budget by making sure you don’t give in to impulse shopping. One way you can make sure you stay within your budget is to write down each and every gift you plan to buy people this year. Make sure you think about things people really want, and don’t just focus on overspending to impress your loved ones. Remember, homemade gifts are just as good (and sometimes better) than expensive presents.

Play a game
Download a free game onto your phone and take time daily to play it, even if it is just for five minutes. Research shows that just a few minutes playing a game can help relieve stress and calms you, and it also helps you build more brainpower.


What causes you the most stress over the Holiday Season?

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  1. Most of my stress comes from my ex – he tries to outdo me at every turn and makes it worse by sending pics of what he has bought both the kids (“so no one buys the same thing” – sure) and for the first 2 years it drove me into a stress-fit/crying jag/worry-fit every damn time. This year I am taking it a different way and ignoring the jabs from him.

    I think your ideas are great ones and I’m going to use them for the rest of the holiday season.


  2. All great tips! Holidays can be very stressful, I am big into organization and pre-planning. I find if I have a plan and get things done then the stress level stays down. Mind you some days I think my lists have lists!

  3. My biggest stress is money, especially around the holidays, this year we have decided to skip Christmas, well not skip it just skip buying gifts, this year it’s going to be focused on family and spending time together and having a nice meal, no worries about buying gifts, it’s going to seem strange at first not having any gifts, but it’ll still be fun!!

  4. Great tips.. It is really easy to get overwhelmed this time of year, especially with all of the obligations and financial aspect

  5. Great tips – very practical. This year I got my shopping done early and was careful to not overspend. Both these things have made a huge difference in the amount of stress I feel this year.

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