My Little Pony – Friendship is Magic: Spooktacular Pony Tales

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Now 20% spookier! Halloween is just around the corner (boo!), and so is My Little Pony – Friendship Is Magic: Spooktacular Pony Tales! Available on DVD in the U.S. and Canada from Shout! Factory Kids in collaboration with Hasbro Studios, Spooktacular Pony Tales features 6 episodes and a sing-along. The DVD also comes packed with spooky fun including My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic pumpkin carving stencils and a colour Halloween poster perfect for seasonal decorating.

Everypony loves Halloween… the candy, the pumpkins, the costumes, the friends! Join your favourite residents of Ponyville — Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and, of course, Spike — as they take on some of the spookiest adventures Equestria’s ever seen! Time to gather around and hold on tight, because these six exciting tales are a chillingly good romp.

The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series is currently airing on The HUB TV Network in the U.S. and on Treehouse in Canada.

 Spooktacular Pony Tales is a great collection of “spooky” My Little Pony episodes from seasons one through four.  I appreciate that the episodes are far from scary and in typical pony fashion offer fun filled episodes with a lesson.  They aren’t all out Halloween themed episodes but rather episodes that work within the season. 

The show is intended for kids 5 and up but there is nothing really inappropriate for the younger set and Keira loves watching her “ponies”! 

The DVD does come with two pumpkin stencils of pony faces that are pretty cute as well as a decently sized Halloween poster.  The Sing-A-Long bonus is the featured song in “Bats” which is nice but not extremely exciting as far as bonus features go but honestly the stencils and poster definitely make up for that!


My Little Pony – Friendship Is Magic: Spooktacular Pony Tales Episodes Include:

Boast Busters

Stare Master

Luna Eclipsed

Sleepless In Ponyville

Castle Mane-ia



Bonus Feature:



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  1. My Little Pony has been a favourite in our home for years,will be looking forward to watching this with the grandkiddies

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