Earth Tribe Baby Pocket Diaper Review

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Earth Tribe Baby was founded upon a non-traditional business model – social enterprise.  As a background, social enterprises are revenue-generating businesses with a twist. Whether operated by a non-profit organization or by a for-profit company, a social enterprise has two goals: to achieve social, cultural, community economic or environmental outcomes; and, to earn revenue. On the surface, many social enterprises look, feel, and even operate like traditional businesses. But looking more deeply, one discovers the defining characteristics of the social enterprise: mission is at the centre of business, with income generation playing an important supporting role.

What makes Earth Tribe Baby a social enterprise?  All products are made by Earth Tribe’s manufacturing teams – individuals with disabilities, First Nations, stay at home parents and other Canadians earning a flexible income from their home.  Earth Tribe believes that by offering people a foundation for financial independence, they are able to make better decisions for themselves, their families and our communities.

Earth Tribe Baby creates beautiful cloth diapers, cloth diaper accessories, CoverMe Bib (full coverage bib) among other children’s products.

 earth tribe baby pocket diaper

I had the opportunity to review an Earth Tribe Baby Pocket Diaper, isn’t it adorable?  I’m pretty sure it is the cutest diaper in my stash to date. 

The pocket diaper features 3 rows of snaps on the rise as well as cross-over snaps.  It is constructed of a Cotton woven outer, a PUL core and cotton velour lining the inner cover.  The cotton velour gives the inner a really nice soft feel that must feel amazing on Keira’s bum, especially compared to some of the pilly micro-fleece some of her other pocket diapers feature.

 earth tribe baby pocket diaper

The Diaper comes with a 5-layer petal style insert which helps with drying time (a lot!).  The 5-layers consist of 2 petals of heavy hemp and bamboo fleece (2 layers each), with a layer of cotton velour on top for comfort against babies bum should it be used in one of Earth Tribe Baby’s AI2 diapers.  

This pocket diaper features the pocket mid diaper.  I have to admit that I noted this with great alarm, and was terrified of what might happen should we have a #2.  However I was pleased to find that not only did she not poop on our first trial of the diaper, but that the insert actual agitated out of the diaper during the wash.  Yay!  This is awesome because although I love the ease of pocket diapers, I hate touching pee soaked inserts all the time.


I found the diaper fit really well on Keira, but I don’t know what is going on with that one snap on the rise, but it’s not the diapers fault, it was definitely me.  I’m pregnant and do crazy things, leave me alone!  Just for reference Keira is currently 20.4 lbs.

Keira is also a pretty heavy wetter but I found this diaper lasted a good 3 hours without any leakage using just the single petal insert.  For the sake of science I guess I could have kept her in it to see how long it go but I have enough laundry to do that I was happy with 3 hours.  3 hours felt like an average time to keep a diaper on anyway.


I love the fit on the diaper, its nice and tight around her legs and I didn’t notice any “gaping” no matter what she did which makes me feel good about its ability to withstand potential blow-outs.  Blow-out protection will definitely get tested come December when the new baby arrives.  Newborns are pretty good at creating the right conditions for this sort of test. earthtribebaby4

Disclosure:  I received the above mentioned product in order to facilitate this review.  All thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

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  1. VELCRO-All in two (snap insert) cloth diaper, Canada day, Maple leaf PUL, minky inner and FREE Bonus would be my choice – it’d be going to a new grandchild due next year either in Germany or Australia so having the maple leaf on there is just great.

  2. I would get the Canada Day Maple Leaf diaper!!!! So crazy cute! I need it for my baby girl to celebrate her Canadian heritage (I am Canadian, hubby is American, we live in USA).

  3. The custom diaper slot is very tempting, and I would love to choose this. What I *should* choose is 5 packs of wing snap covers and 1 pack of snap blockers.

  4. I would definitely get Half Scrappy, snap insert AI2 Earth Tribe skeleanimals diaper with insert. These diapers look like they fit so well! I would love to try them!

  5. I really want to win because I want to do cloth diapers with my little 5 month old girl. I don’t like the fact that all the diapers that I get her give her such bad diaper rash. I really want to try cloth diapers but I just can’t afford them right now.Winning this would be really amazing and help me out so much. I would take any type of style and design. Thank you.

  6. I would definitely get some snap blockers (mom and DH definitely need them!) & a half scrappy snap insert AI2 earth tribe skeleanimals diaper

  7. Cloth diapers these days are really beautiful, I wish we’d had such attractive ones when my children were wearing them.

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