6 Reasons why your New Year Resolutions Fail
Do you find yourself making New Year Resolutions each January, most of which has gone forgotten about by the end of the year? Here we are in the New Year again, and perhaps you find yourself doing what you have always done; putting pen to paper to write yet another list of New Year resolutions. Perhaps, this year will be different? Keep on reading to find out why your New Year Resolutions Fail!
Habit: A New Year resolution spells out certain aspects in your life that you hope to change, most of which have stayed in that same state for years. It is a human phenomenon to remain complacent and to refuse change, albeit unconsciously. The mental barriers that refuse change confuse you into thinking that everything is okay as it is even though you really want change. To change the habitual way of doing things, it is advisable to reach out for help and to hang around people who have succeeded in what you hope to change. The ancient Yogis refer to the ability to control one’s mind as mastery of mind over matter. To change, you must develop a habit of repeatedly doing what you hope to change.
Procrastination: This is probably the major reason many peoples’ New Year resolutions silently vanish into oblivion. To tackle any change successfully calls for a conscious effort and persistence to do so. The moment you entertain any fine-tuned excuse to justify why you are not ready to change, that is the time when your plans to move to your dreams begin to crumble. The soft underbelly of why your written expectations never come to fruition is procrastination. When you have had enough of your current circumstances, you’ll be ready to move anything that stands in opposition to your dream and break free.
Lack of Willpower: For all the right reasons, you may want to sprint to a new phase in your life. To accomplish your mission, you must understand that it takes much more than a vision of what you want to change, but also the willpower to do so. Having the willpower means that you are able to wade through any form of resistance or hindrance and fight towards the goal that you have set. When you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses in a certain area, it becomes easy to reach out for help instead of giving up altogether. Being adamant and stubborn is a great way of staying focused on your dreams, even when you feel unable to continue.
Outrageous Expectations: It is not surprising if your New Year resolutions never come true if your expectations are unrealistic. You cannot expect to buy the newest speed boat when you have not been able to pay off your fiancée’s engagement ring. By all means, in an effort to show great determination, be level-headed with your expectations for the New Year.
Peer Pressure: As the old adage goes; ‘birds of a feather flock together’. Peer pressure, especially among the older people, does not involve bullying and coercion. Nevertheless, it is silently forceful. Therefore, if you intend to quit drinking or smoking in the New Year, it is wise to stay away from your colleagues’ after work get-together at the nearby pub or from the late night party organized by your friends. It may call for certain sacrifices on your part to stay away from the now forbidden cigarette.
Unforgiveness: Forgiveness is not a preserve of only those that are religious or spiritual. In life, personal relationships revolve around absolute forgiveness of the grievances that you have towards the other person. However, the most overlooked form of forgiveness is the forgiveness of oneself. If your New Year resolution calls for being loving to your spouse or spending more time with your children, forgiveness is a great way to begin the healing process. It is a great gesture that makes everyone involved feel appreciated and loved. Usually, your loved ones long for the same companionship which makes your intention to forgive worthwhile.
Elizabeth Lampman is a coffee-fuelled Mom of 2 girls and lives in Hamilton, Ontario. She enjoys travelling, developing easy recipes, crafting, taking on diy projects, travelling and saving money!
I have given up making New Years resolution because I know they are going to fail. I think we all like to “think big” when it comes to resolutions and they are more of a dream. Instead I like to make a “to do” list month to month with smaller achievements, I find that this is more realistic and works better for me.
I like to keep things simple, goals that are attainable. I usually don’t make New Years resolutions, but decided to this year. They are realistic and I have others joining me in my pursuits that will help keep us all on track.
Ohhhh how true! I have been a gym goer (and though I have that down pat as a habit, snacking on junk is where I fail in willpower) for years and chuckle at the fact the gym is a madhouse for the month of January and by February? It’s back to ‘normal’ again 🙂
I don’t believe in resolutions. I think people should work hard EVERYDAY at improving themselves or their lives in some way.
I don’t make New Year Resolutions. I believe most fail at these because they haven’t the willpower to stay the course and a lot of the resolutions that are made are far too high to achieve. I think it might be easier if people just make a resolution for a month at a time, maybe say something like I’ll loose 5 lbs in January instead of I’ll loose 60 lbs this year. It’s attainable and a much closer goal. After that’s been achieved then set a new goal for February.
Mine would be 100% forgetfulness.
These really resonate with me, but I think changing my habits is my biggest barrier.