Tiny Love Woodland Take-Along Arch Review & Giveaway
The Tiny Love Woodland Take-Along Arch is a cute and engaging stroller toy designed with a universal large clip that fits most strollers and baby carriers. It is a soft arch that features three dangling toys with a variety of different activities, textures and sounds.
Ava is 6 months old now and loves playing with toys and using her hands and mouth to discover new things. She is learning quickly, and I can see the changes in her motor skills almost daily. Like most parents, I like to keep her happy and entertained and the Tiny Love Woodland Take-Along Arch allows me to do that in places I couldn’t previously. Stroller rides have gotten just that much more fun for Ava with the Arch.
One of our car seats requires that the handle be pushed back behind the seat, As you can imagine this does not make for fun car rides. Now that Ava is old enough to pick up and play with toys on her own it isn’t a big deal… at least not until she throws her toys out of reach. I seriously wish we had the arch for her a couple months ago though, she seriously loves playing with it. With the arch in place I don’t have to worry about her losing her toys mid-drive so I know she will stay happy.
My favourite stroller also has no child tray which I like because its so easy to get them in and out. The one downside though is that trips to the grocery store sometimes ends in lots of crying whenever there is any kind of pause in movement since there is nothing to entertain baby. Simply clip on the Tiny Love Woodland Take-Along Arch
though and I can stop all I want as baby plays and keeps herself entertained.
The dangling toys are all brightly coloured with patterns that really grab baby’s attention. They include an owl rattle, a crinkly leaf, a snail teether at the end of a mirror embedded in an apple.
The Woodland Take-Along Arch easily folds up compactly for on-the-go. It fits easily into Mommy’s purse or diaper bag and makes for a perfect travel toy.
The flexibility of Woodland Take Along Arch also allows you to adjust the level of stimulation offered by simply adjusting the arch within baby’s field of vision. The arch seems wonderful for visual development and gross motor skills.
Buy it:
The Tiny Love Woodland Take-Along Arch is available for purchase at Amazon and other baby stores.
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Win it:
One Frugal Mom Eh reader will win their own Tiny Love Woodland Take-Along Arch! Giveaway is open to residents of Canada and the USA and closes on August 17th 2014 at 11:59 pm EST. See Giveaway Tools form for entry and T&C.
We have a Tiny Love play mat/gym that has been used at our house by all of our grandkids. They loved the bright colours & I liked how I could easily collapse it & stash it away when the little ones weren’t here.
I love the Gymni Developlace!
I love the tiny hug baby carrier so cute
I like how portable this is!
I am really loving and eyeing on the “Discover the World Mat”. Love how easy fold-able they are and inspires children!
Love this and how portable it is. Can’t wait to use it
The `Where do I live`book about animal habitats looks like a great product. It looks cute and durable.
I love Cozy Rocker Napper – USA from Tiny Love
I love their Tiny Princess™ Gymini® Bouncer
I also like the “Gymini® Move & Play.”
Tiny Love’s products are available to babies and parents in more than 50 countries worldwide.
I like the 3-in-1 Rocker-Napper. Babies love the motion and its a big help to moms.
I like that the Tiny Love website has so many parenting resources on it, like developmental stages of babies, pregnancy stuff etc. It seems like it’s there just as help for parents rather than to sell product, which makes me think well of the company.
I like the Discover the World mat.
I like the Bunny Trio Toy
I learned they have an award winning collection of mobiles
I like that it is very portable and easy to wash.
sorry already posted under my other email
I love all the different mobiles that Tiny Love offers!
I like the Bunny Trio Toy!
I like the Gymini Developlace!
I liked the 3-in-1 Rocker Napper – looks nice and comfy for baby, and stylish too!
I love the Take-Along Bouncer™ – Green, how cool is that for baby on the go.
Colorful and cute to catch baby’s attention
I liked the http://www.tinylove.com/en/mobiles-soothers/magical-night it’s adoable
i love the Sweet Island Dreams Mobile we have two of them! one for each of my kids 🙂
I really like the Super Mat, great for indoors or outdoors!
I love Follow Me Fionna! Shes so cute!!
The Soothe and Groove Mobile is really cute
I like the Take Along Bouncer.
I didn’t realize they have so many products for sale!
I really like the Cozy Rocker Napper – USA.
I really like the tiny hug carriers
I like the play mats – very creative and so many options depending on what you are looking for (like fine or gross motor activities)
I learned that they make the Gymini!
I love the Tiny Hugs carrier!
I like the Sweet Island Dreams Mobile
I would love to give this to my soon to be grandson!
i like the baby development sections
I really like the Gymni Developlace!
I like the Gymini Move & Play Tiny Princess.
I really like the Flexi Play – my little one would get hours of entertainment with this toy!
I like the Gymini® Move & Play
Gymini® Move & Play Tiny Princess™
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I like the 3 in 1 rocker napper.
I like the wide assortment of products available!
I really like the Flexi Play, that looks like it would be really entertaining for baby and very functional!
I like the follow me fred toy!
I like the Cozy Rocker Napper
I liked the Gymini® Developlace™.
I like the take along bouncer.
3-in-1 Rocker Napper – Flow I like.
The 3 in 1 Rocker napper for my great granddaughter
I love their Tiny Princess™ Gymini® Bouncer
I liked Tummy Time Fun:Under the Sea. It is such a great idea and so cute.
Their products are available in over 50 countries.
I like the Take Along Bouncer.
I really like the Tummy Time Fun: Under the Sea.
I just found out they have a tiny hug baby carrier! awesome!! thanks love thier products
I like the Take-Along Bouncer – Red
I like the Tiny Love’s baby carriers they that make carrying baby simple. Encouraging closeness between baby and parent, What a great way to carry the little one!
I love all of these, with all the arch’s I’ve had none of this could be done,
Extra loops for adding toys
Toys can be rearranged moved around
Toys are equipped with long legs for easy access and grip
May be lowered or raised to any angle as desired
My nephew would love the Sweet Dreams model because he is teething now and has a hard time sleeping.
I like the Tiny Hug carrier.
I really like the Tiny Princess™ Gymini® Bouncer .
I like the “Gymini® Move & Play.”
i have Gymini® Move & Play and i love it..
I really like the Super Mat. 🙂
i like the Tummy Time Fun: Under the Sea
I love the Follow Me Fiona
I like the 3-in-1 Rocker Napper – Flow
I like the 3-1 rocker sleeper 🙂
I love the Cozy Rocker Napper!
I really like the Gymini Developlace! It looks great.
They have many great items! I like the Cozy Rocker Napper.
I love Follow Me Fionna – would make a great gift for my niece for her birthday!
I like the Tiny Princess™ Double-Sided First Book.
They are coming out with a Tiny Hug Carrier. They look really comfortable and simple.
I love the Gymni Developlace
I love their suite of products, and that they are all well designed and definitely cute!
I like the Follow me Fiona and the little princess mobile.
I also love the Follow Me Fiona
A pretty puppy-shaped crawling companion which I think would be great for my granddaughter when she starts trying to crawl.
I like the Gymini® Move & Play Tiny Princess
Soothe ‘n Groove Mobile.
I like the cozy rocker napper
I like the Cozy Rocker Napper – USA!
I love the Tiny Love mobiles. So well designed. Black and white elements. Great colour.
I like the tummy time mats
I love the Take-Along Bouncer™ – Red !
I love the fact that it may be folded up and taken in a purse or tote bag and then fastened unto a high clhalir, stroller or crib to entertain baby.
my son has the Magical Night mobile and he absolutely loves it
I love the Gymni Developlace!
I have the Pack & Go Mini Mobile and we LOVE it! It’s the baby and my toddler’s favorite toy!
Love the flex play!!!
I really like their princess gymni play mat.
The Tiny Princess Gymini Bouncer is so cute
i like the 3 in one rocker napper and how it changes from regular to a rest area for baby
WOWEE! Tiny Love website has so many parenting resources on it, like developmental stages of babies, pregnancy stuff etc.
I like that it is portable and very easy to wash.
I really liked the “Daddy’s home section” – Just feel at home. Here you can learn, share, laugh
and get useful tips for your new life as a dad.
I love the tiny hug baby carrier
I love the tiny love baby carrier in beige!
I love the Discover the world mat
The Gymini My Nature Pals play mat looks great!
I like the 3 in 1 rocker naper
with a new round of babies in the family beginning this would be a wonderful gift.. It looks like it would keep babies attention and provide good hand and eye coordination activity.
My niece would like the Bunny Trio Toy.
I like Follow Me Fred
I really like the Discover the World Mat
Musical Stack & Ball Game – Elephant…love it! I’m going in for my c-section in 5 days, can’t wait to do it all over again with baby girl #2. 🙂
Love that is it portable.
I’d love having the 3 in 1 Rocker Napper!
I like the cozy rocker napper.
I really like the Take Along Bouncer
I like Follow Me Fred.
I love all the Tiny Love products on the website, I would like to get the Soothe ‘n Groove Mobile for my Niece who is expecting a baby in Oct.
They have great mobiles and I like that they use quality products.
I like the Soothe ‘n Groove Mobile.
I like the Cozy Rocker Napper
I love the Take a Long Bouncer. I just know my friend would love it for her baby.
I like the Gymini® Move & Play
I like the take along bouncer.
I heart the Gymini!
like the Tummy Time Fun: Under the Sea.super cute
i love their play mats.!
I like the Tiny Hug Carrier – Black.
I love the collection of rocker nappers. They all look comfy!
it is very portable
I love the 3 in 1 rocker napper.
I like Follow Me Fiona
I like the Gymini® Developlace.
I love the cozy rocker napper.
I like the Tiny Hug Carrier – Beige
I learned they have a new pregnancy guide.
I really like the Take Along Baby Mobile. I like that it can attach to the stroller, play yard or crib. Very useful.
I love the fact that there are so many wonderful and entertaining products here that are wonderful for the development of your baby. Thanks for the generous giveaway.
They have a really cool toy that encourages crawling.It is called Follow Me Fiona.
Cozy Rocker Napper
I love the Magical Night Mobile
I like the Woodland Wind-Chime
I like the 3-in-1 Rocker Napper
I love so many items. I learned that they have things for all the babies ages and stages. So many great choices.
I love that they have stuff for all ages and stage.
I like the takealong bouncer in red
I like the Follow Me Fred/Fiona toy!
I love the tiny princess bouncer