A Look Inside My Workday #IntelCanada
Since becoming a self-employed work at home mom my workday has changed drastically. Gone are the days where I would wake to an alarm, hit snooze get up and get dressed, grab a quick breakfast and head out for the daily commute. Gone are the days where my day would be spent in a cubicle aside from a long lunch watching Ellen with my co-workers. Gone are the days when I could just sit in that cubicle and focus on work.
Now I wake up bright and early to my two girls calling for me. Unfortunately children do not come equipped with a snooze button. Then it’s getting everyone sorted out with breakfast before the 9 month old decides she is done and ready to get on with playing. So off we go down to our basement rec room where the kids can play while I watch from my desk in the “work corner”.
It’s at this point that I attempt to sort through e-mails and start going through my social media channels. This should take less than an hour but often takes the whole morning as I have to stop often to keep my children happy. This usually involves getting Tangled to play again for the 3rd time that morning, sharpening pencil crayons, helping to empty the potty and kissing ouchies. Before I know it, it’s time to sort out lunch.
After eating lunch we go play outside. Sometimes we stay in our backyard, sometimes we go for a walk and sometimes we head over to the park. If its not so nice outside we head back downstairs to read books together or work on puzzles.
Eventually they both get tired and its off for a nap at which point my work day starts again. By this time I am sick of sitting in the basement and choose to take my Intel Powered ASUS Transformer 10.1 Tablet into the serenity that is my sitting room. This is a child free zone except for the little table and chairs I painted for Keira to sit at by the window. Which means that it is always spotless and relatively quiet. It’s like a breath of fresh air after the chaos of the rec room.
I love that I can take my ASUS tablet into the sitting room and be just as productive as I am on my full sized laptop thanks to the keyboard and because it runs full windows rather than a mobile version of Windows. It also fits perfectly in my lap and if I decide to take a break and play some candy crush… that is easily enough done since the keyboard is so easy to remove.
I am usually able to get through an hour of work on my tablet before the littlest one wakes up. Every now and then I am thrown a full two hours. This is the time of day I enjoy the most because the rest of the day until bedtime is hard going so it is a bit like the calm before the storm. I really appreciate being able to have a change of scenery as needed thanks to my tablet.
When we recently went on our family trip to London, Ontario, I also found that my ASUS Transformer Tablet is the perfect take-a-long device. It fits easily in both my purse and my travel bag. It’s small enough that I can take it with me anywhere but big enough that I can easily work on it. It’s been a huge help with work-flow since I first got it, I don’t know what I would do without it!
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What is the part of your (work-)day that you love the most?
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That looks like my day for the last 8 years 🙂 Although working from home can be very difficult it is the best choice we have ever made for our family. Pretty cool that laptop is actually a tablet too! I am actually in search of something exactly like that. Mine laptop is so old it is huge and we’ll now the screen is broken from opening and closing it working from home all these years 🙂
Wow, nice setup
I really love the ASUS Transformer Tablet too and want to get something like that to replace my clunky old laptop. I work at home a lot too and appreciate the benefits of a portable computer.