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How to Cope with Grief During the Holiday Season

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Coping with grief may seem nearly impossible when the holidays roll around. You’re reminded of your loved ones, and miss their presence. Check out these tips for coping with your grief during the holiday season.
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Coping with grief may seem nearly impossible when the holidays roll around. Even more than usual, you’re reminded of your loved ones, and miss their presence. Although you’ll never forget your loved ones, it is possible to get through the holidays and make them enjoyable. Check out these tips for coping with your grief during the holiday season.


Talk About Your Loved Ones

You don’t have to hide behind the memories of your loved ones during the holiday season. In fact, talking about them can help you cope. Share on Facebook your favourite memories with your loved ones or get together with a friend and just chat away. A good friend won’t mind sitting down to listen as you cope with your grief.


Use a Journal

Probably one of the best ways to cope with grief during the holiday season is by writing in a journal. Journaling is a more private way of dealing with grief, but it is still very effective. If you’d like to have a way to talk/deal with the death of a loved one this holiday season, consider getting a journal.


Do Something in Remembrance

A great way to cope with grief during the holiday season is to do something in remembrance of those you have lost. Be it a random act of kindness in their name or making a remembrance ornament, this is a great way to remember them during the holiday season.


Spend Time Reflecting

Every memory you have with your loved one is a great chance to reflect and remember. Meditating and spending time reflecting over your loved one is a great way to cope with grief. Sure, you may be overcome with tears, but you’ll also be overcome with joy as you are reminded of all of the good memories.


It’s a sad thing to not have a loved one here with you over the holiday season. However, there are ways to cope with that grief. Always feel free to grieve; it’s your right as a human being.


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  1. Grief is always hard to cope with but it seems so much worse at holiday times. I often find myself thinking, ‘oh I must remember to tell John that’ but my brother’s gone and has been for over 2 yrs but it still hits me hard at times.

  2. Christmas can be a hard i=time I find taking about them helps. Each year we buy a box of Pot of Gold because they were my mother in law’s fave. Christmas Eve we open them and share stores about her 🙂

  3. Those are all great tips to help you cope. I lost my mom just a little over a year ago and Christmas not the same withot her.

  4. This was my 5th Christmas without my grandson.

    We never had a 1st….. his birthday is in January and we only were blessed with him for 10 months. I seen a picture of my daughter’s friend’s son, he was born 1 month before Mayson….. my heart yearns to know what kind of little boy he would’ve been.

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