Free Printable Fun-Velope Valentine’s Day Cards
These 9 valentines are super cute – they are made to look like little envelopes that can be addressed to each recipient. (Please note, these are just valentines, not actual envelopes!) They are perfect for classroom valentines!
These are made 8.5 x 11 size (made to be the size of a piece of paper) and should be printed in ‘portrait’ so it will fill the entire sheet of paper.
Download the Free Printable Fun-Velope Valentine’s Day Cards here, and print onto a sheet of card stock. If possible cut them using a paper trimmer.
These printable Valentine cards are ©, and the Original Artwork drawn for and ©
These cards may be printed for personal or school use; however, they may NOT be offered or distributed elsewhere in any format (may NOT be distributed on any other web page; may NOT be distributed in any digital format whatsoever; may NOT be distributed to others in print format or in any other format), whether commercially (for a fee) or for free, NOR may parts of these cards be modified or used in other graphics in any format without express permission from Neither these cards nor portions of these cards may be printed for commercial purposes or printed for any other purpose than as exchangeable Valentine’s Day cards. You may NOT link directly to these downloads; however, you are welcome to create a link to this page’s URL. Thank you!
Elizabeth Lampman is a coffee-fuelled Mom of 2 girls and lives in Hamilton, Ontario. She enjoys travelling, developing easy recipes, crafting, taking on diy projects, travelling and saving money!