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Tips for Celebrating Baby’s First Christmas

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Tips for Celebrating Baby’s First Christmas

Adding a new member to your family is exciting. When your baby is born, you have something to celebrate as your family is filled with joy. This is especially true when the holiday season rolls around. It can be fun to celebrate your baby’s first Christmas and these tips can help you enjoy it.


Start a New Tradition

The arrival of a new family member is the perfect time to start a new tradition. Whether it’s your first child or third, you can decide to do something different for Christmas. This could be anything, from making cookies for Santa to decorating your Christmas mantle with a specific theme.


Make a Keepsake Ornament

In order to memorialise your baby’s first Christmas, consider making a keepsake ornament. You can personalize it for your child easily. Simply make a footprint or handprint ornament, or even insert items from the hospital into a clear fillable ornament. This keepsake ornament will help you remember you baby’s first Christmas for years to come. Not very crafty or too tired to do a diy job?  Head to the mall and grab a Baby’s First Christmas ornament!


Decorate a Stocking

Another great way to celebrate your baby’s first Christmas is to decorate a stocking. You can buy a Christmas stocking in any colour and decorate it with any number of things. You can paint it, embroider it with baby’s name, or even glue Christmas memorabilia on it. You can then use this stocking each Christmas for Santa to put small gifts and candy in.


Take Pictures

It can be hard to believe that your little baby will grow up, but unfortunately, it happens and it happens fast. In order to keep your memories of your baby’s first Christmas fresh, you’ll want to take as many pictures as possible. Use your camera to record this special holiday, documenting your child as they learn and grow.  It is worth upgrading to an easy to use DSLR like the Canon SL1 rather than a point and shoot as you will be able to take professional looking photos worthy of the event with just a little practice.



Celebrating your baby’s first Christmas should be fun. What are your best tips for celebrating Christmas with a new baby around?


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