7 Easy Ways to be a Little Bit Greener at Home
April is Earth month, and so you may be thinking a little more than usual about how to run a more environmentally friendly household. Going green doesn’t need to be complicated! In fact, there are plenty of small changes you can make that will have a huge impact on your ecological footprint.
Here are 7 easy ways to green your daily routine and make every month Earth Month.
Make simple changes.
We are all pressed for time, so I wouldn’t dare tell you to go and make drastic changes, but if we all make little changes here and there, the change will have a big impact. Take a look around your house. Do you notice your family using a lot of paper products? Switching to more eco-friendly products is a small task but a big step in the right direction to go green. Even if you’re a busy mom, juggling family, friends, and Little League, you can switch to EnviroCare® products in a snap and start to reduce your ecological footprint almost immediately.
Know the difference.
When making small changes, it’s important to know the difference in the products you’re replacing and the products you’re bringing into your house. Just because something says it’s better for the environment, doesn’t mean it is.
Looking at EnviroCare products, I know I’m buying 100% recycled paper towels, bathroom and facial tissue. Shopping for recycled paper products helps saves trees, and keeps so much waste from ending up in landfills. EnviroCare has helped contribute to diverting more than 95,000 trucks from landfills since 2010! Can you imagine how many more trucks that would be if you switch, and your friends switch?
You should also remember to look for products that are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, which is an international certification dedicated to promoting responsible forest management.
Make your own cleaning products.
Did you know that white vinegar cleans almost everything in your house, just as well as the chemical-filled sprays you buy at the store? There are so many uses for white vinegar. It’s easy to use, and literally costs pennies!
Make it a family affair.
Bring the kids on board! Getting everyone excited about going green is the easiest way to stay on track. Teaching your kids to respect the environment is crucial, especially in this day and age. We only get one planet Earth and we have to treat it well.
Because the EnviroCare family includes trusted brands like Cashmere® EnviroCare®, Purex® EnviroCare®, Scotties®’ EnviroCare® and SpongeTowels® EnviroCare®, it’s easy to make sure everyone goes green… together without compromising on quality.
Use less water.
Going green by using less water is a no-brainer. Take shorter showers, turn the water off while you brush your teeth, and use recycled rainwater to water your garden and flowers.
Combine errands.
Rather than driving to the store every day, combine your errands as much as possible. If you have an appointment on Thursday, try to save your grocery shopping for that day as well. Combining your errand running into one or two days a week rather than three or four will cut your pollution output in half.
Be aware.
The biggest part of going green is just being aware. You don’t have to be a constant nag to your family to get them to go green with you. Letting them know little ways to save energy and water (like turning the water off while brushing their teeth) will help them make small changes in a fun way.
Set an example.
Lead by example. When your kids see you recycling, they’ll want to follow in your (now smaller) footprints. Preaching and teaching doesn’t get very far if they see you’re using plastic water bottles and wasting water by taking a 45 minute shower, right?
You’ll be the most help by making simple changes yourself, starting by switching to 100% recycled paper products by EnviroCare – the official sponsor of Earth Day Canada 2017!
EnviroCare In-store Contest
Enter for a chance to win a trip for 4 to Banff or 1 of 100 Nest Learning Thermostats when you purchase qualifying EnviroCare® item(s) between March 1, 2017 and May 31, 2017. Visit EnvirocarePromo.com for more details and entry.
How do you and your family “go green”? Let me know in the comments!
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®’ Scotties is a registered trademark of Kimberly-Clark Worldwide Inc., used under license.

Elizabeth Lampman is a coffee-fuelled Mom of 2 girls and lives in Hamilton, Ontario. She enjoys travelling, developing easy recipes, crafting, taking on diy projects, travelling and saving money!