20 Vibrant Rainbow Recipes
Brighten your table with 20 vibrant rainbow recipes! From colorful snacks to stunning desserts, these dishes are as fun as they are tasty!

I don’t know about you, but I can’t get enough of the rainbow food trend. Such vibrantly coloured food is basically guaranteed to brighten your day.
These 20 Vibrant Rainbow Recipes are just so much fun. These are some great ideas for St. Patrick’s day celebrations or just-because fun for kids! Keep reading to discover 20 rainbow food ideas that will add a bit of fun to your day.
- Rainbow Cupcakes
- Rainbow Sugar Bark
- Rainbow Chef Salad
- Rainbow Parfait
- Rainbow Swirl Bread
- Rainbow Toast
- Rainbow Waffles
- Rainbow Smoothie
- Rainbow Bark with Pretzels
- Rainbow Water

Rainbow Cheesecake